Our thoughts and our practices are fuelled by many different works coming from social sciences, HR innovations, agile methods’ projects, psychology, coaching and many more…
Below is a sampling of those / what inspire us :
- “The Truth About Motivation”, Dan Pink.
- “Start with why”, Simon Sinek
- Agile methods and more specifically Scrum and Lean Startup
- “The Holacracy Revolution”, Brian Robertson
- “Reinventing Organizations”, Frédéric Laloux
- Transactional analysis, Eric Berne
- “Turn the Ship Around” and”Leadership is langage”, L. David Marquet
- “OODA Loop”, John Boyd
- “Lead like the great conductors”, Itay Talgam
- “Dare to disagree” and “Why its time to forget the pecking order at work”, Margaret Heffernan
- “What is happening to us?”, Marc Halévy