Packs Plug&Play
Spindle has designed 4 Plug and Play packs to experiment adaptation, deepen agility and transform your organization to the scale and pace that suits you best.
Pack Plug&Play
Adaptive Executive Team
Designed for management teams that have identified agility & adaptation as a strategic focus or value for their organization or those they need to gain efficiency, responsiveness and strategic alignment.
Why :
- To experiment agility methods and postures safely, at lower time and cost
- Living the “New ways of working” on the field and take a first step towards a cultural change
- Align the purpose and priorities of their management committees
- Increase efficiency in meeting, synchronization and decision making
The Adaptive Executive Team package includes:
3-month of experimentation
1 kick-off workshop
1,5 day or 24-hour by the clock
- Synchronization
- Strategic prioritization
- Decision-making
1 launching pas
- Mentoring de 6 meetings
- Mentoring de 3 key-roles :
facilitator, secretary (supported by the Holoon software) and team leader
2 « internal facilitator » trainings
Duration : 2 days X 2 facilitating roles
1 support software application Holoon
Pack Plug&Play
Adaptive Project Team
Designed for Projects teams that struggle to achieve their objectives and do not deliver on time, that experience many unspoken tensions and less fluid relationships between players (unclear roles, inefficient information flow and meetings) or for projects where traditional agile methods (SCRUM, DEVOPS, etc.) have reached their limits.
- Increase efficiency in meeting, synchronization and decision making
- Clarify roles & responsibilities
- Learn to adapt and lead your project by continuously integrating stakeholders’ needs for evolution
- Deliver faster and better for greater satisfaction of project team and their stakeholders
The Adaptive Project Team pack includes:
1 kick-off workshop
1,5 day or 24-hour by the clock
5 key-meeting and decision-making processes
- Synchronization
- Strategic prioritization
- Decision-making
- Governance
- Retrospective
1 launching pas
- Mentoring de 6 meetings
- Mentoring de 3 key-roles : facilitator, secretary (supported by the Holoon software) and team leader
2 « internal facilitator » trainings
Duration : 2 days X 2 facilitating roles
Pack Plug&Play
Transformation Team
Designed for teams and circles that support internal cultural transformation.
Why :
- Living the same journey and the same methods in order to be coherent and modeling transformation
- Be guided in driving this transformation in an “agile mode”
- Train future internal Agile Team Mentors
The Transformation Team pack includes:
3-month of experimentation
1 kick-off workshop
1,5 day or 24-hour by the clock
- Synchronization
- Strategic prioritization
- Decision-making
- Governance
- Retrospective
1 launching pas
- Mentoring de 12 meetings
- Mentoring de 4 key-roles :
facilitator, secretary (supported by the Holoon software), team leader and future internal mentor
Duration : 2 days X 2 facilitating roles
1 support software application Holoon
Pack Plug&Play
Purpose and Story-Driven Organization
Designed for management teams who want to co-develop or update the purpose of their entity or strategic project.
This is particularly necessary after a merger, when the team has been significantly renewed or when there is a need to restart team commitment, motivation and accountability.
Why :
- Define or redefine why the Organization or project exists, beyond strategic ambitions and operational objectives, what it “produces” and how, specifically
- (Re) give meaning to all employees, allow each one to take ownership and embody the purpose & key values of the Organization
- Set and share key benchmarks which will then be declined at the level of each team/ circle/ role
- Bringing Golden Circles to life within the Organization and making them a reality in people’s everyday lives
The Purpose and Story-Driven Organization pack includes:
2 days (mentoring optional)
1 Why Day
- With two facilitating roles
- Delivrables : The Golden Circles (What, How, Why)
1 Story-Telling Day
- With two facilitating roles
- Delivrables : « Storylines » for various audience
1 accompagnement (en option)
Mentoring to perfect and finalize « storylines » co-elaborated in chamber by the (extended) Executive Team